Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Totally not in the mood..

p/s : sepupu? heh..x payah la nak jage hati i..cukup la..why can't u just be honest? anyway, if u like her, just admit it, if u love her, go for her, if u want her, marry her...bye u..

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Raya ohh Raya..

haish..lg bape hari je nak raye nih..x sabo dah nii..tpp, baju raye xde..baju raye x siap.. D: nak nanges..tp, raye kali ni cam bosan je..sbb xde sape kat uma..raye dgn mama n ayh je..huuu..nak tunggu 'anak buah baru' , bulan 12 baru klua..hehe..pokoknya, x saba nak raye..i hope i feel the happiness during Syawal.. :)
anyway, i've got few problems..about my parents..they don't really understands me as their daughter..maybe it's my fault that i'm being too secretive to them..every problem that i'm facing, how hard the problem is, i never told them..i try to told them, but all i get is nothing..sometimes they think that my problem is too childish la..whatever laa..they don't support me..i try to share everything..everything..eventough i'd be honest with them, they don't like it..why u guys don't like what i like..? i'm tired with u guys..i'm tired cying alone, solving my problems..senang cite, dah tawar hati sangat2 dgn korg..i know i'm only 18..i'm not a child anymore! why can't u guys understand me?? what can i do??? yes, i admit that u guys bole bagi kesenangan, but kesenangan x mendatangkan ape2 utk nina..i don't need that..nina lebih rela hidup susah, asl kan korg faham jiwa nina..yes, u guys mmg hebat dlm bab2 agama..but, u guys never try embraces the feelings about teenager..never! espacially me! i'm tired enough with u guys..! :'((((


p/s : i tau u x suke i pkai hijab..i can see it..why can't u just admit it?? wlpn i byk kene baiki diri i, i saje m'cuba..i know that u think that 'urgh, this girl just wearing the hijab, but she's not what people think of her'..senang cite, i ni bukan nye baik sgt pon..kan?? and i think u're different..time kat terengganu, u lain..but when u come back home, i feel like u're somebody else..i lagi suke time u kat terengganu..bile u balik sini, u treat me different..sometimes u treat me very cold..past few months, u asked me what's the meaning of ilymskb..and i told u..then i asked u whether it is okay or not..i thought that u'll get angry, but surprisingly not..and i adore u..but a past few days, when txt u said ilymskb, u seems like u hate it soo much..why mskb??? if only i know that u'll hate it, i never told u the meaning..i trase cm sgt MALU + BODOH..i t'lupa yg u ckp nnt baby u mara..and i mmg pecaye baby u tu wujud..i just want to know the truth whether u're with her or not..it's hard to know the answer from u..maybe i try other alternative..if i find it true, if one day i just stop contact u, i hope u know the answer..
if u love her, just admit it..if u want her, just go for her..i don't want to hurt her feelings..please..don't worry about me...i'll be fine..fullstop! :')

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Nasib Si Lurus..! -___-

baru lepas paper account..shit.! sgt la pening..! i need some fresh air to calm down myself..sgt la stress arini..cepat la habis..! da x larat nak jadi zombie hidup nih..! urgh..haaa..nak cite psl last week..ktorg merantau dari bangi ke KL, then ke midvallley, then ke bangi balik, then ke PD..sgt penat..gua kene drive pulak tu..da la tgh migraine time tu..! nasib baik membe aku nye pakwe bole drive..mule2 agak menirap sbb membe aku x bitau die nk bwk pakwe die join skali..bygkn kne amik pakwe die kat PD, then hantar balik g PD..membe aku ckp pakwe die nak dtg sini sendiri dgn sewe kete sendiri, aku dah pelik dah..sbb pakwe die x penah la nak dtg sini..xde effort langsung nk jumpe membe aku..tu yg aku menirap..well, aku pon pecaye..lurus la kate kan..nasib baik membe aku yg sorg lagi g amik pakwe die kt PD..haih..aku yg tgh migraine ni kene drive..kononnye klua nak cari brng tunang roomate aku..kononnye nak beli hantaran make-up la ape laa..huih..agak penat..last2 beli bju tunang je kat bangi..hmm..penat..ktorg sume tido lua time tu..tido kat ne?? kat station minyak..SHELL PD..haha..hmm..aku yg x bole tido berhari2 + migraine..huih..mood time tu agak turun naik..then sempat lepak kat pantai PD dlm pkul 2-3 pagi..sgt scary! mamat2 kete yg poyo tu..urgh.! yek..! aku benci kau..! kau igt kete ko yg bunyi cm kete yg kononnye bole terbang smpi ke bulan tu hebat sgt..? dgn speaker kete ko yg kononnye gempak tu, igt aku kesah?? boleh pecah duh gegendang telinge akku..! aku x suke..! bluwek..! SUMPAH AKU GELI DGN KAU ORG LAH..! -___-
well, tu la pengalaman sepanjang ktorg klua..ni lah luahan hati sepanjang kat lua tuh.. *emo nih


p/s : saye sgt suka awak..! :)) bile awak nak balik nih..? IMYMSKB ♥♥♥

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Final Exam..!

well..alhamdulillah syukur sbb dapat jawab soalan english and malaysian studies very well..walaupun x berape nak well sgt..heh..i try my best..and i try to put all my effort to score this subject..sume org yg dtg exam td mate bengkak2 belaka..jgn risau..haha..da mcm zombie hidup jwb final exam dah aku tgk..but i don't know about my business mathematics subject..urgh! i hate maths..! Damn it..! 2 papers done, 4 more papers to go..! Go Go Go Ale Ale Ale..here i Go Ale Ale Ale..wheee...anyway, nak cite psl hari ni..aku buka puase makan CHICKEN CHOP..! :DDD sedap..! huih..lepas gian siot..! ktorg g kdai td naik bas..sbb hujan yg sgt lebat..klau jalan kaki, it takes about 30 minutes to arrived at the retaurant..bayangkan, lepas mkn, ktorg jln 1/2 jam, then, elok2 kenyang terus jadi lapar balik..hehe..jauh pon xpe..sanggup! :) asl kn dpt lepas gian..hehehe..hari2 makan sardin dgn telur je..haih..kembang tekak aku duh masak and mengadap makanan yg same..anyway, i miss my mummy and daddy..! nina rindu korg lah... :( rindu sume org lah aku rindu..! :) hehe..x lame lagi cuti sem...! WOAH..! Heaven siak..tak sabar nih..!


p/s : who am i to u?? i wish i could describe my love to u..but my love can't describe anything in this world..it's too precious..ILYMSKB...! ♥♥♥ :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pissed Off...!!! :-|

hari ni hari yg sepatutnye sgt bahagia di samping keluarga...tapi, mood tu berubah..why?? susah nk ckp sbb terlalu marah sgt niiii...!!! :|

p/s : i'm in pain..please give your right answer..i don't want to hurt someone's feeling..if u love her, just admit it..it's okay..i'll be fine... :')

Friday, August 13, 2010

Home Sweet Home..!

DAH SAMPAI RUMAH....! byee..! ♥♥♥♥ :D


p/s : ♥ i miss u and i miss ur ferrari..! :(

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rindu rindu rindu..miss miss miss...错过错过错过...아가씨 아가씨 아가씨

Wah..badanku terase ringan duh puase nih..muahahaha..melayang2 ke awangan..anyway, puase kali ni sgt berbeza dgn thn2 lepas...suasana yg berbeza, mknn pn berbeza sbb dlu2 mama slalu masak...hmmm...1st time rase berbuka di universiti..best..sbb dpt buke ramai2..tp yg x best nye sbb sedih x dpt buke same dgn mama n ayah.. :(
hmm...pagi td bgn lmbt..huhuhu..sempat mkn buah kurma n air shj..cukup la tu kan?? :)
kurus..hihihihi...rindu kawan2, rindu masjid negeri, rindu mama n ayh, rindu abg2 n kakak2, rindu wea, rindu cousin2, and OF COURSE RINDU DIA...! hmm..byk sgt rindu nih...susah betul..kpd sorg hamba Allah ni, i try to think positive about u..don't make me hate u..u didn't say 'hey' to me on fb compare to everyone who add u..i try to be friendly with u..stop complaining to him la u BIATCH..! don't make me hate u..i try to be nice with u.. -___- huh..xpsl2 aku mencarut time puase nih..!
dah dah dah..cukup tu nina...*breath* anyway, next week will be my final exam week...huuuuu..GO NINA..! JGN MALAS..! WISH ME LUCK EVERYONE...!



Wednesday, August 4, 2010

اهلا رمضان

alhamdulillah...tak lame lagi nak puasa... 'Ahlan Wasahlan Ya Ramadhan ' :)
bestnyeee...x sabar nih...nak seronok sgt pun x bole jugak..sbb bulan yang penuh berkat ni la bulan yang banyak menguji kesabaran selama aku blaja kat KUIS ni..which is my final exam 16/8/2010 ni..sangat menguji mental dan fizikal..well, BERTABAH..! :) insyaallah everything is gonna be alright..you can do it nina..! igt janji awk kat mama..jgn lupe tuh..! :) harap2 xde keluhan berat yg keluar dari mulut awk nina dalam menempuh bulan yg penuh berkat ni... :) same goes to him and everybody...! :) pray for the success of the world and the hereafter you guys..jgn lupe tu..well, x sabarnye nak kuruskan badan time puase nih..! :DDD kurus ke?? hahaha..harap2 la...


p/s : what's wrong with u yesterday?? do have any problem?? what happened to you?? why u didn't answer my question?? *sigh
ILY bie ca..

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Where am i??

well, now i'm studying at Selangor International Islamic University College, Bangi...ape yg ade dkt kuis ni?? hmm..nothing much..but, it's way different then other university..no jeans, no t-shirts...the way we dressed up, totally different than others..i always wear jubah ( if mls sgt nak basuh baju, tp selalu nye mls lah...muehehe ), baju kurung tu jarang jugak nk pakai ( klau ade mood pkai ah )...mase 1st time masuk sini, pkai la jugak tudung labuh, sbb nak lepaskan diri dari orientasi..mule2 lah...org lain sume pg orientasi, gua x pg..skip! x tahan beb..sbb abg facilitator kt situ da mcm hantu...die igt ktorg ni askar ke ape??? bygkan skrg ktorg kt dewan pkul 6.45ptg, then die suro balik dorm, mandi, siap2, dlm pkul 7.10 kne b'kumpul kat dewan ni balik...gilo ke ape?! da la dari dewan nak ke dorm amik mase 10 ke 15 min...jln kaki pulak tu...nak siap2 lagi da pkul bpe...mmg dasar ABG POLIS bengong..benci aku dgn kau...! bluek..okokok..dah2 tu nina...bende tu dah lepas..tp tu one of my experience bile da msk study kat university nih... :)

well..skrg nk cite psl smlm which is 2/08/2010...
yesterday we went to Naili's Place Restaurant...seriously gua ckp, tmpt tu mmg HAVOC gile babiiiii...!!!!! ade DJ table, ade bar, konsep restaurant tu cm tmpt scuba..dgn music yg sgt best...alaaaa, senang cite cm club ahh tempatnye..tp BUKAN club ok...rase cm club maybe sbb music sgt kuat kat dalam kedai tu...sgt best..! korg mmg kene pg tmpt tuh..! i like...! :DDDDDDD restaurant tu kat sentul..sgt best..tp agak mahal...makanan die sedap wok..ade shisha..harge shisha tu RM20...mahal kan?? utk org kaye boleh laaa...teh 'o' ice die da RM2.50.. :) kene la pandai2 budget.. :) tp kpd sesiape yg x suke music kuat2, diharapkan JANGAN pegi..hehehe..and pokoknya, TEMPAT TU MMG BEST...!!*menjerit


p/s : just hoping that we can back together..but, does he wants me back? the answer is ' I DON'T KNOW '..yesterday, i'm waiting for him to say those words..but, frustrated..then i realize that those words are not for me..maybe for somebody else or maybe for me... I hope love and sincere affection to the spirit is separated from the body...ILY SOOO MUCH..!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Never forget the three powerful resources you always have available to you: love, prayer, and forgiveness.


An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.


But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine.


I always felt that the great high privilege, relief and comfort of friendship was that one had to explain nothing.


There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.


True friends stab you in the front.


FATHINAH HANAN BINTI YUSRI ( aku rindu kau duhh..! :{ )


p/s : iwillalwaysloveyoumuhammadsyukribinkamarulbahrin!!nomatterwhathappenednoonecanstopme!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Phewww...! O.o

Wehhhh...lame nyeeee x tulis blog nihhh...fuhhh...kenape da lame x tulis blog yeah??? hmmm....MALAS...teeettt...bile ade mood baru nak tulis... :) bile lah nak masuk blaja nih...gua dah bosan dok umah...da mcm org x dpt hidayah dah nihhh..asik teperap kat umah... -_____- ckp psl masuk blaja nih...it's very hard to make decision and to think of what i'm really capable of..it's about my future...and, masalah nye sekarang is my mum... -______- why she always wanna force me to do this to do that??? and the only words that she know is 'NO'...! sampai bile woiiii...??? stop treating like i'm a 5 years old maaaa...! STOP...! i hate it...i need ur moral support maaa...! x kesah la ape yg nina nak buat tu mama x suke sekali pon...I NEED UR SUPPORT...! stop thinking on the negative side..i'm tired of it...! jgn pakse nina utk blaja kat tempat yg nina rase nina x layak masuk...nina x nak jd hipokrit..nina x nak masuk KUIS...nina x nak masuk tempat blaja yg 'tutup sane sini' sedangkan hati nina bukan mcm tu..nina x nak dipakse...nina x SUKE...! and pleaseee don't try to stop me when i like someone in my entire life..i will never let go of him sampai bile2..DON'T MAKE ME DO THINGS THAT WILL MAKE U HATE ME...tolong faham nina..please...!! :{ and to Fathinah Hanan Binti Yusri...i'm sorry okay..! sorry klau aku buat kau terasa sbb cm da lame x contact kau..and sorry klau aku lepak dgn iezah sume...aku dgn bon takut kau cm x suke bile ktorg ajak kau lepak kat mamak or tempat2 yg menyebabkan kau berpeluh2...aku tau kau benci peluh...aku dgn bon takut kau x suke bile ktorg bwk kau g tmpt2 cmtu...sorry sgt weh...!! aku rindu kau duhh BESTFRIEND...! :'{ we're sorry for everything...


p/s : Ya Allah...! Aku rindu dia sangat2...! :{

Monday, March 29, 2010

Having fun... :D

well..hari ni and semalam sangat best.. :D sleepover kat rumah iezah...best wok..makan makan makan...pastu tgk movie..aku pulak syok asyik tido je..menyesal..! :( apekan daye..mate aku berat time tuh..ape lagi?? tido lah..ahaha..aku mmg champion dlm bab2 tido nih..sape nak lawan?? ade bran?? hihihihi..pastu yg paling enjoy skali sbb dapat makan MARSHMALLOW deep with CHOCOLATE...!!! sluurrpp...! nyam nyam...! :D thanks iezah..sgt ko kawan...! tp kesian kat bon...die kene babysit anak2 buah die...so, die cm kene balik cepat..nguuu...tp die join ktorg jugak last2...best...! i've learnt something today...i have to berdikari starts from now...thanks for the advise iezah..byk la ktorg borak2..pastu pagi td mkn roti telok cheese..woah...aku makan 2 roti telok cheese tuh..sedap weh..!! nyam nyam..uih..knape la aku kuat makan sejak2 nih..?? adoiyai...well, aku pinjam byk movie kat iezah...so, melayan movie je la keje aku kat uma nnt.. :) nak buat mcm mane?? kesunyian..hukhuk...senang cite, ari ni dan semalam sgt BEST....! :D


p/s : Tuhan..! berikanlah kekuatan untuk terima hakikat bahawa dia sudah tidak menyayangi aku lagi...! :'(

Friday, March 26, 2010


sampai bile aku nak tunggu parents aku terima dia ape ade nye??? :(

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Got fever...damn it..!

Lame nye x tulis blog...well, hari ni baru ade mood nak tulis blog wlpn tgh pening.. :(
soo...where shld i start 1st...hmmm....haaa...smlm, kelmarin dan sblum2 nye...tido uma kazen...sumpah best gilo...! smpi demam2 haaa gilo nye...sbb gua bantai die punye xbox...main GUITAR HERO...sgt best wallaweyh..! at 1st mmg aku bangang..tp bile da practice, i'm getting better n faster menekan butang kat control guitar tuh...yeah!
main lagu PLUG IN BABY...aku main smpi naik hantu..siap lompat2 cm beruk...beruk high class gitu..heee... :D haru biru jgk la uma kazen aku tu sbbkan gilo aku nih...haa..org batak mmg begini.. :D pastu ktorg wat mini BBQ...sgt best..makan makan makan...! :D
dok uma die rase nye naik 5kg kot..asik makan je...kene kurus kurus kurus...! xle jd nih..time BBQ tu sume jenis makanan ade...actually x la sume...mostly byk daging2...daging lembu, kambing, ayam, ikan...dorg hantu daging..aku xmkn sgt daging2 ni...especially kambing...mak oih..kembang tekak eden..so, memandangkan dorg x mkn sgt ayam, ape lg? ayam sume aku yg bantai...heee...sedap wok..! then aku mintak opinion from my aunty and discuss course ape yg patut aku amik...byk sgt aku minat...semak pk..then stelah bincang membincang, aku decide nak amik antare course quantity surveyor or mass comm PR...hmm..skrg tgh otw nak choose antare dua tuh...PR kene byk ckp...aku ni byk ckp ke??? hmmm...quantity surveyor tu ade kire2 sikit...ckp psl kire2 ni...math aku ni hebat sgt ke??? hmmm...well...mencuba x salah kan...?? well...actually mmg aku minat architecture..then my aunty ckp, dlm construction ni, architecture, engineer, QS is the main character...time blaja, architect paling susah coz nak tau byk design...then engineer pulak, time keje susah..nak kne kire mcm2...QS pulak kene tau and bace lukisan architect and engineer, then kire amount barang yg diperlukan utk bina bangunan tu and bg arahan kat contractor...soo...its kinda hard...but cube la...fikir jugak nak amik architect..tp layak ke aku nih?? hmmm...fikir fikir and fikir...time is running out...!! :O


p/s : i'm still hoping that he'll understand me...about my parents, tu blakang cite...dlm relationship mmg byk risiko...tp knpe xle amik risiko tu sbg cabaran??
why can't u just accept me just the way i am?? why i can accept u just the way u are?? don't ever talk to about TARAF anymore...i really hate it..damn it..! :(

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

18th birthday..???? *sigh

well...today is my birthday...! ( happy sgt! ) tapi sume org busy....(sedih)
ayah lupe birthday aku.. ( hampanya! ) die kate die igt birthday aku 5 march ni.. ( kecewanya! ) to all my friends, thanks for the wish..korg buat mood aku hari ni b'tukar menjadi sgt happy...sayang korg sangat2 ketat2 kuat2...(^_^) wlpn hari ni sgt bosan sbb sume org busy..especially my family..huhuhu...patutnye aku klua dgn korg hari ni...ish...tp xpe...esk bole klua..hehehe...anyway...thank you sgt2 you guys...! (terharu seh!)


p/s : i miss him so damn much..i was hoping that he'll text me today and i really hope that he'll be the 1st person to say happy birthday to me...but it's useless...ptg baru die wish..nak nanges...kenapa bila aku mengharap dia org yg 1st utk wish birthday aku, tp org lain yg wish dulu?? kecewa..sedih..hampa..i made a promise last night to called him after his futsal...tp tertido..then i was thinking am i supposed to called him?? today is my birthday...salah ke utk die call aku skali skale?? salah ke klau die text aku during my birthday?? kenapa aku je yg asyik kene amik hati die sedang kan die takde usaha langsung utk tawan hati aku balik?? kate sayang lagi?? tapi?? mane effort nye?? sampai bile nak jadi mcm ni?? sampai bile nak buat aku tertunggu2..??? :'(

Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's only for you dear...only you...no one else can ever replace you...

When I found you
I found myself
I found a guy
Like no one else

When I found you
I found my heart
I found it struck
By Cupid's dart

When I found you
I found pure bliss
I found heaven
Deep in your in kiss

When I found you
I found my soul
I found your love
That made me whole

When I found you
I found my dreams
I found out what
Love really means

When I found you
I found a lot
I found true love
I swear to God...
I love you...
But...do you love me??


The light in your eyes
As you stare into mine
Just makes me see
God's perfect design

The warmth of your hand
The feel of your skin
Moves something inside me
Something deep within

Your feelings so gentle
Your love so sweet
I feel this passion
Every time we meet

And today I give
A promise to you
That my love will be
Honest, Faithful, and True


You live in my heart,
i won't break it apart,
even if it makes me to cry,
i will love you till i die.

Blood doesn't flow in my vein,
ur thought flows in it as a pain,
I may not be the one for you,
i would have still loved you
even if i knew.

My love is not written on sand,
for the waters to wash away,
it is written in my heart to stand,
all the difficulty that comes its way.

You still live in my eyes,
even after seeing all the goodbyes,
You can go to any place you desire,
the dream of being together will
always burn like a fire.

I still smile looking into the life of yesterday,
to wipe away the tears that you bring everyday,
Nights seems to be getting longer and longer,
with thoughts of u getting stronger and stronger.

My love may not be one happy chapter,
like the saying "they lived happily ever after",
By loving,i have lost everything to you,
what i still possess is just the memories
of once being with you,
I love you till now and forever.


p/s : i hope you read this dear....i'm sorry if you don't like it...

Monday, February 15, 2010

frust !!!!!!!!!!! urgh...!

ari ni sgt m'frust kan aku...pg2 buta da buat aku xde mood...!! urgh...!!! penat aku buat p'mohonan ipta fasa 1 dulu...then bile nak masuk fasa 2 x bole....mcm sial...!!!! sial nak mampos...!!! geramnye weh...!!!!!!!!! ckp name mak betol, aku nye password x betol lah...ape lah...time aku mohon fasa 1 tu BOLEH je...! ish.....!!! bodoh...!!! nak nanges weh...!!!!

p/s : not in the mood to talk about him (o.0)

Friday, January 29, 2010

GREAT NEWS...!!!!!!!


p/s : love is like a sand...

Monday, January 25, 2010


dah nak hampir 1 minggu aku keje..fuhh..penat x pyh ckp la...lots of things i've learnt
at work...learnt how to attract costumer, how to manage the cafe, how to communicate with costumer, and one thing, it's hard for me to REMEMBER the price...hehehe...ouh Allah..! payah la...hahah...well, i guess i'll try my best to remember all of it...
well..skrg cafe ktorg sgt memerlukan org..majoriti pekeje byk nak stop sbb dorg nak cari pengalaman lain..sbb dah 1 tahun lbh dorg keje kat cafe aku..dulu ktorg cari budak luar bandar...niat nak tolong dorg cari duit mkn..then bile dah lame keje, lame2 dorg naik kpale...dah tunjuk belang masing2...geram..! pastu, bile dah naik kan sikit gaji n konon nye dah naik kan sikit pangkat, mule nak BONGKAK...SOMBONG...they think that they can manage the business very well..pastu ckp BAPAK aku x bole handle cafe..??!!! please la wey...ko igt sikit diri ko tu sape...x reti nak BETERIMA KASIH LANGSUNG...dah la buat kacau dgn rumah tangge abg aku..xde rase malu ke?? pastu...jage la sikit mulut tuh...mentang2 ko dah bagus, sume costumer kenal ko, ko nak mule buat cite yg x senonoh psl cafe aku..tolong la wey...aku benci la org mcm ni...x seda di untung betul...ape ko pk boifren BARU ko tu kaye, ko nak amik kak su keje kat kedai ko yg BARU nak bukak tuh???! konon nak tawarkan gaji yg MAHAL la?? buto pak hang...! boifren ko tu kaye ke or bapak die yg kaye?? heh...da la wey...tolong la...korg ni lame2 merimaskan aku je....cukup la...tu la yg payah bile situasi yg x d'jangkekan t'jd...anyway, thx to korg jugak sbb b'tahan smpi b'tahun2...cume to remind u guys, jgn la lupe diri...buat org menyampah tau x...? haih....

p/s : love??? what do u expect?? i'm sill waiting...still love him...well, just wanna ask, between love and friendship, which one will u choose?? sometimes, its hurt when telling 'i love u' to someone that u love, and he just 'angguk kan kepale je' without saying anything...well, please explain something to me..if it is so hard to explain, just say that u hate me so much...then i'll disappear...i promise...its hard for me...but i'll try to find the way to solve it...*sigh

Saturday, January 2, 2010

welcome 2010...! =D

oh my gosh...! it's 2010 now...! wah...! well....new year, new achievement, new friends, new handphones hahaha, new life, everything's new now...no more SCHOOL...! =)
hari tu g celebrate new year kat cineleisure damansara...wow...! sgt havoc kat sane..!
people's getting wild n out of control..agak batak sbb that was my 1st time saw people like that...tmpt tu sgt pack...mcm tin sardin..some of them were kissing with their partners..tak bole bla...get a room people..! we were Malaysian...mane adab tatasusila korg..? well...i don't care what u're doing...but get some place privacy...it's not nice lah..ok..that is none of my business..anyway, yg penting sempat tgk BUNGA API...! hehehe...cantik...! tenganga mulutku...hehe...disco, tmpt snooker sume dibuka...time nih lah dapat untung byk..new year beb..! disco bising gile...pening kpale...pastu ktorg g tgk cite avatar...! sumpah cite tu best...! best sangat..! u guys should watch that movie...! imaginasi cite tu sgt tinggi...! best best best...cume cite tu lame sgt...3 jam...menggigil kot kat dlm wyg tu...huhuhu...balik rumah pukul 5 pagi..! puas jalan..! hehehe... =D

p/s : hmm...sigh..i miss him...but i don't think that he loves me anymore...sometimes he've been acting so weird...i don't know who am i to him anymore...what should i do? until when i wanna wait for him to explain it to me..? gosh...! i can't wait to hear the word that he hates me and he don't need a girl and a friend like me in his life...kalau nak hancurkan hati gua, hancurkan terus...jgn buat gua mcm ni...lg t'seksa kot... :(