Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Totally not in the mood..

p/s : sepupu? heh..x payah la nak jage hati i..cukup la..why can't u just be honest? anyway, if u like her, just admit it, if u love her, go for her, if u want her, marry her...bye u..

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Raya ohh Raya..

haish..lg bape hari je nak raye nih..x sabo dah nii..tpp, baju raye xde..baju raye x siap.. D: nak nanges..tp, raye kali ni cam bosan je..sbb xde sape kat uma..raye dgn mama n ayh je..huuu..nak tunggu 'anak buah baru' , bulan 12 baru klua..hehe..pokoknya, x saba nak raye..i hope i feel the happiness during Syawal.. :)
anyway, i've got few problems..about my parents..they don't really understands me as their daughter..maybe it's my fault that i'm being too secretive to them..every problem that i'm facing, how hard the problem is, i never told them..i try to told them, but all i get is nothing..sometimes they think that my problem is too childish la..whatever laa..they don't support me..i try to share everything..everything..eventough i'd be honest with them, they don't like it..why u guys don't like what i like..? i'm tired with u guys..i'm tired cying alone, solving my problems..senang cite, dah tawar hati sangat2 dgn korg..i know i'm only 18..i'm not a child anymore! why can't u guys understand me?? what can i do??? yes, i admit that u guys bole bagi kesenangan, but kesenangan x mendatangkan ape2 utk nina..i don't need that..nina lebih rela hidup susah, asl kan korg faham jiwa nina..yes, u guys mmg hebat dlm bab2 agama..but, u guys never try embraces the feelings about teenager..never! espacially me! i'm tired enough with u guys..! :'((((


p/s : i tau u x suke i pkai hijab..i can see it..why can't u just admit it?? wlpn i byk kene baiki diri i, i saje m'cuba..i know that u think that 'urgh, this girl just wearing the hijab, but she's not what people think of her'..senang cite, i ni bukan nye baik sgt pon..kan?? and i think u're different..time kat terengganu, u lain..but when u come back home, i feel like u're somebody else..i lagi suke time u kat terengganu..bile u balik sini, u treat me different..sometimes u treat me very cold..past few months, u asked me what's the meaning of ilymskb..and i told u..then i asked u whether it is okay or not..i thought that u'll get angry, but surprisingly not..and i adore u..but a past few days, when txt u said ilymskb, u seems like u hate it soo much..why mskb??? if only i know that u'll hate it, i never told u the meaning..i trase cm sgt MALU + BODOH..i t'lupa yg u ckp nnt baby u mara..and i mmg pecaye baby u tu wujud..i just want to know the truth whether u're with her or not..it's hard to know the answer from u..maybe i try other alternative..if i find it true, if one day i just stop contact u, i hope u know the answer..
if u love her, just admit it..if u want her, just go for her..i don't want to hurt her feelings..please..don't worry about me...i'll be fine..fullstop! :')