Friday, January 29, 2010

GREAT NEWS...!!!!!!!


p/s : love is like a sand...

Monday, January 25, 2010


dah nak hampir 1 minggu aku keje..fuhh..penat x pyh ckp la...lots of things i've learnt
at work...learnt how to attract costumer, how to manage the cafe, how to communicate with costumer, and one thing, it's hard for me to REMEMBER the price...hehehe...ouh Allah..! payah la...hahah...well, i guess i'll try my best to remember all of it...
well..skrg cafe ktorg sgt memerlukan org..majoriti pekeje byk nak stop sbb dorg nak cari pengalaman lain..sbb dah 1 tahun lbh dorg keje kat cafe aku..dulu ktorg cari budak luar bandar...niat nak tolong dorg cari duit mkn..then bile dah lame keje, lame2 dorg naik kpale...dah tunjuk belang masing2...geram..! pastu, bile dah naik kan sikit gaji n konon nye dah naik kan sikit pangkat, mule nak BONGKAK...SOMBONG...they think that they can manage the business very well..pastu ckp BAPAK aku x bole handle cafe..??!!! please la wey...ko igt sikit diri ko tu sape...x reti nak BETERIMA KASIH LANGSUNG...dah la buat kacau dgn rumah tangge abg aku..xde rase malu ke?? pastu...jage la sikit mulut tuh...mentang2 ko dah bagus, sume costumer kenal ko, ko nak mule buat cite yg x senonoh psl cafe aku..tolong la wey...aku benci la org mcm ni...x seda di untung betul...ape ko pk boifren BARU ko tu kaye, ko nak amik kak su keje kat kedai ko yg BARU nak bukak tuh???! konon nak tawarkan gaji yg MAHAL la?? buto pak hang...! boifren ko tu kaye ke or bapak die yg kaye?? heh...da la wey...tolong la...korg ni lame2 merimaskan aku je....cukup la...tu la yg payah bile situasi yg x d'jangkekan t'jd...anyway, thx to korg jugak sbb b'tahan smpi b'tahun2...cume to remind u guys, jgn la lupe diri...buat org menyampah tau x...? haih....

p/s : love??? what do u expect?? i'm sill waiting...still love him...well, just wanna ask, between love and friendship, which one will u choose?? sometimes, its hurt when telling 'i love u' to someone that u love, and he just 'angguk kan kepale je' without saying anything...well, please explain something to me..if it is so hard to explain, just say that u hate me so much...then i'll disappear...i promise...its hard for me...but i'll try to find the way to solve it...*sigh

Saturday, January 2, 2010

welcome 2010...! =D

oh my gosh...! it's 2010 now...! wah...! year, new achievement, new friends, new handphones hahaha, new life, everything's new more SCHOOL...! =)
hari tu g celebrate new year kat cineleisure! sgt havoc kat sane..!
people's getting wild n out of control..agak batak sbb that was my 1st time saw people like that...tmpt tu sgt pack...mcm tin sardin..some of them were kissing with their partners..tak bole bla...get a room people..! we were Malaysian...mane adab tatasusila korg..? well...i don't care what u're doing...but get some place's not nice lah..ok..that is none of my business..anyway, yg penting sempat tgk BUNGA API...! hehehe...cantik...! tenganga mulutku...hehe...disco, tmpt snooker sume dibuka...time nih lah dapat untung year beb..! disco bising gile...pening kpale...pastu ktorg g tgk cite avatar...! sumpah cite tu best...! best sangat..! u guys should watch that movie...! imaginasi cite tu sgt tinggi...! best best best...cume cite tu lame sgt...3 jam...menggigil kot kat dlm wyg tu...huhuhu...balik rumah pukul 5 pagi..! puas jalan..! hehehe... =D

p/s : hmm...sigh..i miss him...but i don't think that he loves me anymore...sometimes he've been acting so weird...i don't know who am i to him anymore...what should i do? until when i wanna wait for him to explain it to me..? gosh...! i can't wait to hear the word that he hates me and he don't need a girl and a friend like me in his life...kalau nak hancurkan hati gua, hancurkan terus...jgn buat gua mcm ni...lg t'seksa kot... :(