Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A story sadder than sadness..

the person that i only love in my heart, betrayed me...
i sacrifies everything for him...everything...
my bestfriend saw him with another girl holding hands at sunway pyramid last holiday...
he admit it to me..thank God he tell me the truth and explain to me..die mengaku yg curang..
thanks to his sister also...because she make me realize that don't trust a guy that u love too much...
sbb dgn kepercayaan tu la dtg kekecewaan yg t'amat sgt...
x penah seumur hidup i kecewa n sedih mcm ni..
mayb its my fault...susah dpt jumpe dia...t'lalu kongkong hdp dia...
dugaan ni t'lalu berat...tapi Tuhan tu Maha Adil...what goes around, comes around...
i xde niat utk membenci dia..he was the person that i love in my life...
until now i love him..
but now, i need time to think...and i give only chance to win my heart again...
my trust to him would never the same as before which is i trust him soo much...
then last2 things happened like this...
and i really hope the best for our love and our relationship..
its a long story...
hanya Tuhan yg dapat menentukan..kita hanya merancang...well, that's for today...

p/s : i need him...miss him too much...

Sunday, June 14, 2009


hello everybody..
today i'm really exhausted...! ouh God...
because i woke up at 3 o'clock in the morning and went to masjid negeri for qiamullail..
smlm pun pegi masjid yg sama jugak...dgr ceramah forum perdana yg bertajuk ' Akhlak Membentuk Peribadi Mukmin '...something like that la..
i can't remember the title..huhu..sebelum pegi tu me and my sister sempat melaram..haha..

she's my new sister in-law...and i love her..i'm proud of her and i'm proud being her sister...syg kak sara..! welcome to our family...=)

i arrived home at 1 o'clock in the morning...balik je dari masjid, singgah mcd jap.everyone is starving...makin mlm, makin ramai student lpk...everyone like staring at us..because we were wearing dad, my mum, my sister, and me...haha..i said to my sister..' mesti dorg fikir like ape ke hal ktorg pkai baju jubah mlm2 bute pegi mcd..' ktorg sister ckp lek ar...rock pe..haha...well, suke hati la nak pakai baju ape pun kan..hehe..then balik..pastu tido bape jam je..pkul 3 pegi masjid balik...qiamullail tu mmg best..membuat kita sedar dan memuhasabah diri..malah menginsafi segala dosa yg telah kita lakukan..suasana time tu sgt sayu...

seriously, tok imam tu mmg buat ktorg nanges gile2..he is damn good..ramai jugak org dtg..sume yg dtg tu nanges..ktorg wat solat hajat, solat tasbih, solat taubat..mmg best la...rugi sape x join..hihi..ktorg abis dlm pukul 8 pagi...i'm very sleepy that time..then sampai rumah terus tido sampai pukul 12 tghri mum mumbling all the time...she won't stop until i woke up...thats my mum...biase la tuh...huhu..hari ni tak pegi mane2 pun...gile bosan...
esok dah sekolah...malasnye...tgh syok cuti...hihi...well, i know my responsibilities...lepas ni nak iron baju sekolah...susun buku...homework tak siap..
mati lah...hahaha....lepas ni mesti busy start sekolah nih...spm struggle struggle...well that's for today...daa...=)

p/s : i miss him...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

hello readers..! =)

at last...i finally create my own blog...~phew
thank god...i've a lot of things to write..but not in the mood..
i've got a lot of work to do...and my 2nd brother is getting married...
soo busy...byk keje tapi sempat create blog tuh..hihi...chill la...
got to go..very busy..daa..

p/s : i miss him...